Stamp It Colors 什物訂製印台 - OURS森林好朋友 官方商店 || 台灣原創文具品牌
Stamp It Colors 什物訂製印台
友好單位 - a kind of cafe 什物 的 stamp it colors 印台也在 OURS 登場啦!
絲絨紅 / 狐狸橘 / 蔓藤黃 / 鹹蛋黃
綠豆苗 / 丹寧藍 / 孔雀藍 / 葡萄紫
奶油杏 / 泰奶茶 / 野馬棕 / 節慶金
- 尺寸約 3.2 x 3.2 x 2 cm
- 售價 69 / 79
"Stamp It Colors" Ink Pad by a Kind of Cafe
Introducing "Stamp It Colors" ink pad by a kind of cafe!
Inspired by dialy life like clothing, shopping, or meals, "Stamp It Colors" ink pad by a kind of cafe always bring us with beautiful color combinations.
This time we've selected 12 colors for you:
Red Velvet / Kitsune / Dark Goldenrod / Egg Yolk
Sprout / Denim / Peacock / Grape Sorbet
Almond Butter / Thai Cha / Mustang / Golden Festival
Please select the color for the ink pad from the "Item specification" drop-down list above,
and add the desired quantity to your cart.
- Size: 3.2 x 3.2 x 2 cm
- NTD 69 / 79