博物室裡 活版印刷郵票
NT$ 250
Love Label 實木印章
印章主題是 From my... Home / Heart / Love,
- 尺寸約 11 x 2.4 x 2.4 cm / 櫸木實木取手
- 售價 220
Love Label Rubber Stamp
Since last year, whenever I design stamps, I’ve been thinking about the words “from the heart.”
With those cheerful little notes and tags, I can send out heartfelt sentiments along with the packages.
Stamping out colorful labels, ribbons for gifts or little treats,
the purpose and mood of this stamp are something I truly adore!
- Size: 11 x 2.4 x 2.4 cm / Beech wood handle
- NTD 220