Paper Craft - Stuff PET 膠帶
NT$ 290
隨興色塊 DIY 自黏印章組
印章膠皮(已附好背膠) 壓縮木取手 / 表面白漆印刷
一組 11 個,合計尺寸 160 mm x 140 mm
售價 NTD$600 ; 隨性色塊/ 隨性筆觸 兩組合售特價 NTD$1,000
Rough Blocks DIY Rubber Stamp Set
- Including 11 rubber stamps per set
- Total Size: 160 mm x 140 mm
- Material: Compressed wooden block + Rubber (self-adhesive)
*DIY rubber stamp: The rubber and wooden block will be seperated in one package,
you may trim the rubber before mounting it to a wooden, or mount it directly without trimming.